Growth in the ministry has been exponential (increasing over time), with partner networks increasing and giving strength to the ministry. The ‘ZOOM ONLINE’ platform has facilitated and encouraged participation and fellowship of members and whole families both locally and internationally. This growth demands continuous review and establishment of the ministry’s organogram for members involvement and effective ministry. Members are continually invited and encouraged to ‘bring on board’ their talents and gifts. The growth has seen the ministry pioneer a visionary development project to provide a Hospital and Ministry Centre for the people of a growing community in Malaa, Machakos County. This has enlarged the ministry’s mission field as the project professional members and the community are embraced within the ministry. DIMK is already actively involved in ministry with the MALAA community through monthly programs that involve preaching, feeding, giving of food and prayer with great testimonies of what God is doing. We give glory to God for His wondrous works!

Thank you.

MALAA Ministry / Hospital Project

DIMK is expanding her influence and is pioneering a ‘Level 4’ Hospital Project in the Malaa community, along the Kangundo Road, Machakos county. The project is envisioned to provide affordable and therefore accessible comprehensive health care services to the community and its neighboring population. Existing health care facilities within the region provide very limited services that cannot meet the health needs of the community. The hospital is envisaged to be a non-profit making project seeking to bring affordable medical services to the people. For sustainability, DIMK will adopt a partnership model with other medical institutions especially for supply of medical equipment, furniture and medicine.


DIMK has secured ½ acre and is in the process of securing another ¼ acres. The strategy adopted is to secure adequate land estimated at minimum 2 acres to provide sufficient space and support for optimal hospital function. Land is secured through membership fund raising, friend and partner dedicated financial gifts. DIMK will adopt amalgamation of the plots of land to acquire one property title to facilitate the hospital construction.

BOREHOLE hydro geotechnical research has been completed and the borehole position sited. NEMA and WRA Permits have been obtained and are currently valid. The borehole will be the primary source of water for the hospital.


Several non-permanent structures have been constructed on the property to facilitate ministry works whilst securing of more land and planning and design stages for the hospital are going on. An ‘IT5 Iron sheet’ roofed shed has been constructed to house community members and ministry activities. Tent canvas provides protection from wind and rain. A Washroom or toilet block that serves both male and female members has been constructed to facilitate outreach ministry activities. A store house and caretakers’ non-permanent structure has been erected to facilitate storage of chairs, tables and any furniture or equipment. The property is now fenced with a chain link fence that enhances security and an ‘all weather’ access road has been constructed from the main Kangundo road highway to ease access as the soils are predominantly black cotton soil. Road construction has been undertaken in compliance with the county and road authorities.


The project team is led by an elected project chair assisted by the vice-chair and the founder. Other elected office holders are the secretary and project treasurer amongst other members. The team consists of members that provide financial, technical, medical, legal, administrative and intercessory competencies. The technical team, made up of professional competencies in the building industry, draft and drive proposed designs for the hospital. Designs are taken through constant discussion and review with the project team for approval. Designs are currently on the drawing board.